






6. 关于“長廊”:“我只是希望在這平面的銀幕上,給它另外一個角度,另外一個dimension”

7. 关于推拉镜头:“zoom(推拉镜头)在國片里通常是十個鏡頭有八個, 我這部電影里大約有一千多個鏡頭,但是只有一個zoom,而且根本看不出來是zoom……因為人的眼睛沒有這種功能,你要用它時必須很有把握,不是隨便可以用的。通常用zoom是很懶惰的行為,我覺得靠近是攝影機推近,而非用zoom進來,這是兩種不同的效果”(注:我们戏称“拉風箱”,1960年代邵氏武俠片,及1980年代北影的《傷逝》,为滥用zoom的范例)





1. 关于改行:何以念完電機碩士卻撇開而投向電影,他笑著說:“因為我沒聽說什麽人會餓死的,我只是做我喜歡做的事……其實念理工對我也有很大幫助,它訓練了我條理分析的能力”

2. 关于“新电影”导演:新導演間的互助早有耳聞,但眼見陳坤厚進進出出和侯孝賢、楊德昌商量劇情的分場,甚至楊德昌、杜可風在與《小爸爸的天空》并無關係的情形之下,仍忙得兩天沒上床睡覺,不禁讓我們聯想到新導演間互相影響的結果,是否會導致作品中有太多相似,而成為另一種危機?“我覺得我們在一起工作很好,絕對比以前電影圈好。因為我們年齡相近,有許多共同的看法,生活背景很相似,才會聚在一起,但每個人選的體裁不盡相同,詮釋的方式不同,剪接想法也各有差異,拍出來的東西自然不一樣。我們雖然常給拍片的導演建議,但是執導者如果不這麼認為,仍然會很堅持自己的意見,這些就是個人的風格吧!假如一個人會受其他人影響的話,那就是他還需要被人影響,自己風格尚未確立。”

3. 关于香港电影:他認為香港電影似乎缺少一些人文素養,顯得缺乏生命,而台灣畢竟還是承繼了中國文化以及五四白話文學以來的影響,仍深具潛力。造成港台影片風格差異,在狹小生活領域中的人,往往不易有寬大的胸襟,他認為香港電影史上最好的一部片子便是方育平導的《半邊人》,表露出他眼界之寬、胸襟之大,絕非許鞍華所能比擬(注:存疑,许鞍华的《投奔怒海》眼界也不窄)。而導演十分self-conscious去設計一些東西,讓人感覺到他刻意雕琢的痕跡,便是做作了,故此他也不太贊同譚家明的一些電影手法。在香港某些電影公司的體制下,可能完全抹煞掉作者的特有風格。


This entry was posted on 星期三, 10月 6th, 2010 at 9:27 下午 and is filed under 转帖. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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    Not true. The money saved from cutting the BSF programme will not be placed at the disposal of the Department for Education for Michael Gove to spend how he likes, i.e., on Free Schools. How could it? The money doesn’t exist. Cutting expenditure in any government department does not magically create a huge pile of treasure that can then be used for other purposes. Rather, it means that the government will not have to raise that money by increasing its borrowing requirement. So far, a grand total of ?50 million has been set aside for capital expenditure on Free Schools — which, under BSF, would pay for a single, solitary school. Michael Gove cobbled that together from re-allocating funds that had been earmarked for advising schools on what computers they should buy. Happily, they can use instead.

  22. But while this tragic plane crash is unlikely to materially affect this diplomatic rapprochement, it will nevertheless have a lasting impact on Polish attitudes to the Katyn massacre. Instead of trying to consign the Katyn saga to the history books, whenever Katyn is mentioned in future they will be reminded of the plane crash that claimed the lives of their president and his entourage.The small box, which Sky descirbes as smaller than a pub beer mat, plugs into a TV sets HDMI box. Unlike the similar device announced by Google easrlier this week, however, it does not require a computer or tablet.