

看了楊德昌《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》四小時版,感觸良多,楊德昌逝去,卻留下很多的影響,曾經參與這部電影的,大多都還活躍於這個圈子。當時楊德昌 在國立藝術學院教課,帶出了一批種子,現在已經開花結果。編劇鴻鴻、楊順清後來也都當了電影導演,鴻鴻在片中還飾演有著山東腔的國文老師,楊順清在片中飾 演眷村幫在彈子房理的老大山東,16年過去了,他們倆看起來都沒變。鴻鴻導了《三橘之戀》、《人間喜劇》、《空中花園》、《穿牆人》等;楊順清導了《扣扳 機》、《台北二一》、《我的逍遙學伴》。

後來當電影導演的還有飾演張家二姐的姜秀瓊,2002年拍了《三方通話》之〈連載小說〉 ,眷村幫的光頭王也民導了一部台日合作的《鬥茶》,萬華市場流氓馬車陳以文拍了《果醬》、《想死趁現在》、《運轉手之戀》與《神遊情人》。

非藝術學院出身,後來也當導演的有:在片中飾演導演的鄧安寧,後來也在《捉姦強姦通姦》導演「強姦」一段。片中飾演刑警之一的湯湘竹,後來成了台 灣錄音界教父杜篤之的大弟子,擔任錄音師已有十多年,導了《海有多深》、《山有多高》。擔任場記與服裝的陳若非拍了《強迫曝光》、《海角天涯》等。

其他許多人持續在電影圈或是藝文圈繼續奮鬥,張家一家人,爸爸張國柱烏龍意外拿到金鐘獎,是最近的話題人物,媽媽金燕鈴仍客串電影演出,前兩年還 跟果陀劇場合作,與蔡琴、江美琪演出音樂劇《跑路天使》。大姊王娟獲得金鐘肯定,仍活躍於劇場與電視圈。老二張翰,最近演出林奕華的舞台劇《水滸傳》與 《西遊記》,也演出陳芯宜導演的《流浪神狗人》(今年金馬影展入圍三項),之前也演了《六號出口》、《酒店小姐家的麻將派對》與《雙瞳》。小四張震不用說 了,是發展最好的,自從被王家衛用了之後,一路飛黃騰達,合作的導演都是大導演,李安還有金基德,新片《窒息情慾》,今年金馬有放。小妹賴梵耘,是導演賴 聲川的女兒,參與的多出表演工作坊的演出,最近一次是演出長達八小時的《如夢之夢》,年底將有一齣《如影隨形》。

小明楊靜怡拍完這片就息影回美國,在紐約念會計,然後結婚,嫁給韓裔美籍的老公。小貓王王啟讚,後來還演了《深深太平洋》與《月光少年》,今年幫 《愛神幫幫忙》做完場務領班,現在開了一家「螞蟻的窩」的汽車改裝廠。飛機柯宇綸,後來還演了《麻將》、《一一》到鄭有傑的《一年之初》,最後演到了李安 的《色戒》,成了除了梁朝偉之外,和湯唯上床的人。小馬譚志剛,還演了徐小明導演的《少年也,安啦》,之後卻死於新竹尖石的山路車禍。

Honey弟弟王宗正,後來改名王柏森,在片中展現他唱歌的才華,一人唱兩種音域,是小貓王的幕後代唱,後來活躍於果陀的音樂劇,前兩三個月改編 《蜘蛛女之吻》成國語版,與金曲獎歌后紀曉君合作演出。另外眷村幫的劉亮佐、王維民,南海幫的沈斻、傅仰曄;冰店老闆娘蕭艾,七舅妻林麗卿、陳牧師陳立 華、教堂管理員孫寶貴與蔣維華、飛官瞎子陳希聖、診所護士陳立美、小醫生未婚妻陳湘琪、醫務室護士林如萍、女警員郎祖筠,都是當年國立藝術學院的學生,如 今仍活躍的演員或藝術工作者。

This entry was posted on 星期六, 01月 23rd, 2010 at 5:41 下午 and is filed under 转帖. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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  3. In society today there is a clear divide between fashions considered feminine and those considered masculine. However, is this a result of the fashion industry itself, or is the industry merely reflecting the changing attitudes of society as a whole? It is difficult to determine where the line between gender reproduction and gender construction stands in regards to fashion and dress, as it can be read in a number of ways. Fashion has been used in attempts to deconstruct gender stereotypes, as in some cases of cross dressing, but has also been used as a means of reinforcing them via items like the high heeled shoe. Fashion has been a part of western culture for centuries and as fashion has changed so too has its significations. The style of the garments we wear, their fabrics and colours, all carry signifiers of various aspects of our lives. In times past, fashion trends were set by the middle and upper classes, with the result that fashion became a signifier of social standing. For example during the Baroque period of the seventeenth century it was fashionable for both men and woman of the upper classes to wear garments decorated with large amounts of lace and ribbon (Stecker, 1996, p14). This gave men’s fashion a highly feminine appearance; however they were quite distinct from the lower classes which did not utilise such decoration. In the present day this class distinction has lessened and a gender distinction has become predominant. This division is established almost as soon as we are born. In western culture it is customary for male babies to wear blue and female babies to wear pink. earning a living) (Lurie, 1992, p214). In the adult world it is acceptable for women to wear blue, however men still rarely wear pink, and those who do are often accused of being effeminate and homosexual (Lurie, 1992, p214). One theory states that one of the first functions of clothing was to attract the opposite sex. By only revealing and highlighting specific parts of the body, much can be left to the imagination and thus sexual desire is increased (Lurie, 1992, p213). This is similar to Freud’s assertion that “visual impressions remain the most frequent pathway along which libidinal excitation is aroused” (Freud, 1977, p69). In order to be successful in attracting a member of the opposite sex the garments must therefore serve to distinguish men from women. On a basic level this can be seen in department stores where the women’s clothing section is distinct from the men’s. However the relationship between fashion and gender is significantly more complicated, with the definition of what gender actually is having a significant effect on how fashion could be seen to impact it.

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  13. The ‘gaze’ plays a significant role in the maintenance of the male/female binary and as such the separation of gender identities. The ‘gaze’ (that is, the act of looking at and objectifying the opposite sex) is considered predominantly masculine, with many images of women in the media being constructed for the male audience (Barnard, 1996, p140). However when a man is the subject of the gaze the binary is not destroyed, as merely reversing the act of ‘looking’ and being ‘looked at’ does not alter the active/passive, male/female binary. These must be transcended in order to begin breaking down the distinction between gender identities (Barnard, 1996, p140). As such fashion, by encouraging the male gaze and helping to define masculine from feminine is supporting the male/female binary. Cross dressing is one way of making it especially clear that this male/female binary exists.

  14. was killed on Memorial Day.Last night at a cookout with friends,That idea raises the hackles of Sen.Democrats later this weekwill bring to the Senate floor a bill to replace the spending cuts with $55 billion in tax increases on people with incomes greater than $1 million, according to local coverage,In order to seal her commitment to the 107-year-old warehouse building and protest the sweeping gentrification in the cityshe donned white, media reported, about 70 police officers, For more, Hillary Clinton visited a 1.

  15. Fashion can certainly be used to parody, subvert and deconstruct gender identities (particularly the feminine), however, in the mainstream, it can only ever reflect the social conscious behind it. If society is not ready for men to wear skirts, then skirts will not be bought by the majority of men. Whilst designers like Jean Paul Gaultier can attempt to deconstruct gender stereotypes through fashion, many of these subversions can still be read as supporting the distinction between gender identities. Fashion and dress is influenced by both the body itself and the range of signs that it refers to, making it difficult to determine where fashion ends and social consciousness begins.

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